When I released my first information product – a guidebook for uncovering business and product ideas – back in 2000, it was 64 pages and took me about 3-weeks to finish. 

Since then, that product has earned me six figures in profits with less than a few hours of work each year to keep it up to date.

Since then, we have repeated that process dozens of times with reports, courses, manuals, ebooks and other information products. 

If you think about it, writing between 5-10 pages each day, you can have your book completed in as little as 1-2 weeks with a third week focused on editing your book and setting up your online business. 

Yes, there are many small steps on the road to operationalizing your internet business – we cover that in detail as part of the 6-week Information Profits System inside Information Marketer’s Zone – but getting your product written, having your own book, ebook or report really can be finished in just 7-14 days. 

In order to make it easier to sit down and spend 1-hour each day to write your 10 pages, it helps if you have the following in place:

  1. Researched your market, uncovering a gap where you are confident that your topic will be desired and will sell
  2. Outlined your book, ebook or infoproduct in terms of major chapter sub-topics and a subset of questions within each chapter
  3. Have clearly marked the questions you can answer right away (with your own experiences, knowledge or opinion) versus those that require additional research so that you can spend a few days developing content that you are missing
  4. Write freely using a conversational tone – avoiding “on-the-fly editing” that continually confuses your brain stopping the free-flow of information

Having your own information product to sell online is one of the best ways to build your internet income – it all starts by writing 10 pages at a time.  Are you set to write your next 10-pages today?