Sitting down and writing a 200-page ebook or book from scratch pretty much sucks. Even though having your own 200-page ebook is still well worth the effort, there are other ways to make money in the information product marketing business with your own products to sell online.
Informational Audio Products Audio products are the simples, fastest and easiest to create and if packaged and promoted properly can fetch you considerable customer activity.
There are 3 major steps to creating your own hot selling audio information products:
1. Find A Hungry Market – I bet you know a half-dozen markets right now where people want to improve their lives, have more fun, overcome an obstacle or experience pleasure in their lives. Even though you will be tempted to give up at this point, don’t get freaked out by the vast number of choices you have here – use the tools inside InfoMarketer’sZone if you are having trouble with this step. Once you know what questions your audience want answered – turn that into an 8-10 question outline for your audio information product.
2. Create The Content. You may choose to interview an expert, have someone interview you or simply turn existing content you have written, researched or licensed (either through public domain or private label rights) resulting in at least 45-minutes of content. Even better if you can record a few sessions – perhaps a recorded method to follow backed by 1 or 2 strong interviews where you can price your product anywhere from $47-$197 depending on the value and scarcity of the information.
3. Start Selling It. You need a compelling, professional sales letter (I recommend you outsource your web design – this will run you between $97 and a few hundred dollars depending on who you get to do it) where your sales letter will be a story telling your prospect what problem you solve and the benefit of your solution to them.
There are some very important lessons to be learned in marketing your product that will make a massive difference in how effective you are including email marketing, traffic generation, sales letter testing, social networking and more…
All of the latest techniques and strategies are updated daily over at InfoMarketer’sZone
You can turn your desire for an information product to sell online into a reality in a matter of days following this approach. To really put your audio information product over the top mix it with a written transcript (transcription for a 45-minute audio will run you less than $100) and a workbook that summarizes the steps, exercises or plan you would like them to follow to achieve the results they are looking for.
Finally – you can offer both a digital download version of your product as well as a CD or DVD version that is shipped as a hard-copy product. By shippping your audio on CD, printing your hard-copy material with a decent cover you can easily increase the price of your package to $197 or more making it a very attractive profit producer attracting many affiliate partners who are eager to share in the larger than normal profits.