Write Your Book
Why do so many of us want to write a book and yet so few of us are able to live to see the satisfaction of finishing our book or ebook and seeing it sell multiple copies daily or weekly?
Sure, there is the time factor – but lack of time is really just a way of saying that you are putting (or letting) priority to be placed on other things in your life. By following the tips, techniques and strategies with a free system like Infoproduct Publishing Secrets, you will discover that there are ways to make writing your book up to 10X faster and still have it hit the mark with your marketplace.
So, if you are letting time interfere with your goal to write your book then get over that right now and decide that just 30-minutes each day, in the morning, at lunch or in the evening is more than enough time to finish writing a book in as little as 30-days.
Next, not knowing what to write about. Now this challenge is real, but can be easily overcome by answering a few questions.
First, what are your goals for your book? Are you writing out of pure enjoyment or is this something you would like to replace your current income? Do you want to sell a thousand copies this year or would a few dozen copies meet your objectives? Is your first book likely to be your last or would you like to build a strong, ongoing, and exciting business selling your own books? Are you trying to help someone with a challenge or to achieve something great in their life or would you rather write for pure entertainment?
A first area that many people enter when they write their first book is “how to” or non-fiction information publishing where you help someone by sharing existing knowledge, a life experience or research a solution to an often sought after desire.
For example, you have raised a problem teen and while you can’t claim to be the ultimate expert on parenting, you certainly have learned several things about raising your troubled teen that someone just beginning the same experience would find helpful. By simply writing about your experience in 40-60 pages you can have your own $37-$47 ebook or book that you sell online written within the next 30-days.
Here are a few points to help you write your book:
1. Start with a purpose in mind. Just as we outlined above – set a goal for your book or ebook and know what you want out of the process – this helps with guiding your project, staying motivated and helping to share your project with others who may be able to help.
2. Profile your ideal target customer. When you plan, outline, research and write your own book, it is incredibly helpful to have a good understanding of your ideal customer. Who will buy your book or ebook? Are they likely to be a man or women? How old are they likely to be? What life situation is driving them to want the information in your book? What is leading to the desperation behind them wanting your information? What will their life be like after they get your book? This will all help you better stay focused and write your book.
3. What information already exists on your topic? I always like to hit Amazon, my local bookstores, magazine stands, top blogs and social network sites like twitter and Digg to see what information already exists. What books have been written, which ones are selling best on Amazon? Which blog posts are getting the most attention? What questions are most asked online? Where are the gaps in existing products?
4. What channels will you use to market your book, ebook or infoproduct? Believe it or not, some of the most profitable, best selling ebooks and books online leverage a wide channel of existing informational websites who will put your book in front of millions of eyeballs. You can research that early to see where the authority sites are in your market. Who has the popular blogs, newsletters, discussion forums, social networking profiles – just a few of these can make a massive difference in how well your book sells on the internet.
5. Beyond eBooks and books. Ask yourself this question…does my book topic or ebook subject have potential beyond a $27 or $37 book? Can I turn that book into a $197 home study course, a $27/month ongoing membership site, a bundled audio and video package, a multi-series set of ebooks or reports, a group or personal coaching program, and so on… This is the most powerful of the 5 questions we’ve listed below. As the members of Information Marketer’s Zone have discovered, there are information publishing empires that get their start with one single book or ebook.
So, when you set out to write your book – consider these 5 powerful questions and you may just find your excitement level peak now that you finally know it is possible – even predictably possible – to have your own written ebook or book earning you profit within the next 30-days.
Yes, you can write a book if you set the time and actually “do” it everyday; But to write anything, you have to love it, not just like, not want to make a hit and make money ; for other people to be interested in your book, you need to like your theme, like your subject like your characters and like your story. If you don’t, noone will want to read it. If you don’t need to write, love to write, have your palms hitching or an important, necessary experience to relate to others, then you should do something else. writing is difficult as it is; good writing even more so. If what you write is what others want need or love, what’s the point of you writing it? Moreover, why would we, readers, read you if there’s no passion in your work? I’m sorry, I disagree with this article; You shouldn’t write about what works in the media, what others are supposedly interested in, what anyone else might say just as well. You should write about something that makes you passionate, not some chart ou top ten sells.
(sorry about the english, I’m not english raised)
I found this post very inspiring. Thank you, Jeff. It gives me even more encouragement to carry on doing what I’m already working on. I AM doing this. These 5 questions lay it out so simply. Profiling my ideal customer was particularly interesting. As I wrote detail after detail of who she is, it reminded me of how much I want to share my writing.
Yes – every time I go through this exercise for an existing or new product I get new inspiration and new ideas on how to improve or better structure the product and marketing – it really does work. Keep up the great work Sue.
after my initialising the moves,I slumbered into inactivity.However,I feel highly motivated again as I was atracted to watch “from inaction to Greatness”.Thank you so much for your persistency and please keep me constantly posted.