Each day we work with people who want to package information into a book, ebook, report or more ambitious infoproduct projects like home study courses, seminars, coaching programs and so on…

In 99% of the cases, the people we help become successful have had little if no previous writing experience, have no special contacts and often do not have a platform to begin with…in other words, they never had believed they could write a book that would sell.

Some people hadn’t any idea they possessed information that would be helpful or in-demand in the form of an ebook or book.

Others doubted their ability to actually package information that people would want to buy.

And still others, concerned they couldn’t master the art of setting up their own online self-publishing company and master marketing on the internet.

Many times we get to work with these people as part of the Information Publishing Blueprint program inside InfoMarketer’sZone.

Yet, over and over again I’ve seen people package information they already know (or can quickly collect via research or interviews), package that information into a first edition book, ebook or course and actually begin to make money on the internet selling their book within 4-6 weeks.

Here are a just a few examples:

1. A relationship counselor taking her 15-years of experience and packaging it into a series of relationship help ebooks and coaching program that has now allowed her to work from remote locations she previously hadn’t believed she would ever be able to do

2. A bank teller, customer support worker who packaged a book on the in’s and out’s of saving and investing – a great combination of his own experience/training and supplementary research

3. The grandmother of 6 who at an age approaching 60 decided to write a health-oriented book on living with a very common health condition – again a combination of her own experience with some additional research

4. Add to this hundreds of others who have packaged ebooks and books based on hobbies, health, personal improvement, business, food, financial, social conditions, relationships, and many more…

Here’s another terrific example I came across this morning – a pastor that wrote a book about the “little” miracles he has experienced within his community over the last number of years, a topic that became so successful Hollywood is considering turning it into a movie!

Here’s a telling quote from Rev. Jack Duis that sums up the potential we each have for making a huge difference in our lives (and those around us) by writing and marketing out own books:

“People don’t just say ‘Hey, I think I’m going to write a book,’ especially if they haven’t written one before or if you haven’t taken any college courses on writing,” Duis said.

But that’s just what he did.

Just another example of people putting aside their doubts about whether they could write a book and get on with it…your turn next?