As a non-fiction writer, there really is very little time of the year when I’m not writing a book about something…

There are constantly ideas that present themselves  as tremendous opportunities – where people just HAVE to have the answers.

Or there are those topics that I just can’t resist, where I have a personal passion and line that up with a market desire for information.

But really, November is the perfect time to buckle down and really get to work on producing your own non-fiction report, ebook, book, or information product that you will market online.

Not only does November action mean enjoying the returns in the New Year, but November is also a month before things get crazy around Holiday season in December, and set you up for the peak buying season online where the biggest sales and profits for book buying on the internet is between December and April.

May can be good too, but after that, most internet information publishers begin to see a steady decline in sales over the summer and a ramp-up again in the Fall.

What motivates you and will get you writing a book?

  • The idea that you can augment your current income (and eventually surpass it) by working once and selling your book for months and years to come?
  • The thought of becoming a sought after “expert” in your chosen marketplace?
  • The prestige and attention that comes with having released and having sold 1000’s of copies of your own book, ebook or course?
  • Having the very unique and powerful ability to touch the lives of tens of thousands of others with your knowledge, assistance and written word?
  • Knowing that you can carve out a completely new profession where YOU control your effort, time and earning potential – without having to take orders and sit in useless meetings all day?
  • Or maybe you just find writing extremely enjoying, even relaxing – or you really want to take back control over your work environment and work from home at a real job where you control your own products?

The likelihood is that more than one of these is behind your interest in writing a book…but make sure you know which one is the BIGGEST reason.  Tapping into the WHY will carry you through the next few weeks as you get serious and actually release your first ebook, book or infoproduct in November.

Hundreds of others are already doing it using the Blueprint System and Private Mentoring of Information Marketer’s Zone – and the results are staggering!

I just finished answering a few questions from one of the members as she launches her “dream” ebook about helping people with addictions.

Another member recently launched his ebook about the financial industry – based partly on his experience, but mainly put together using the system outlined inside InfoMarketer’sZone on how to pull the questions out of ANY market and create an outline for your own highly successful infoproduct.

Are you ready?

Will you be writing a book in November?

If not now, then when?

To help you save massive amounts of wasted time, frustration and investment – follow the Blueprint you will find over at InfoMarketer’sZone and by the end of 2009 you will have your own information product forsale earning you profits online.

Will you take the challenge?