Famous Ebook Writer
What if you are treading water in your current career – not sure where to turn next to gain additional career choices, a promotion at work, added prestige or credibility within your marketplace or more money from different income streams?
Now just may be the right to to write an ebook.
Perhaps you are a stay at home mom who has a few extra hours each day on your hand and want to fill in the time with something that is fun, exciting, fulfilling and can add some income to your household without going back to a full time job?
Now could be the perfect time to write an ebook.
Or, you could be someone who lost their job, or can see the writing on the wall and you need to open new avenues, new career options or perhaps lay the groundwork for a business of your own.
Now would definitely be a good time to write an ebook.
Of course, not every ebook will make you rich and famous, but given the right amount of preparation and targeting, you can spend as little as 30-days and have your own top selling ebook online and making you money
Using the step-by-step system that has been proven many times over at Information Marketer’s Zone, you can become very good at spotting trends in topics that people will eagerly search for online and buy your ebook.
Because writing an ebook can take you as little as a few days, have profit margins in excess of 90% and can be marketed using dozens of techniques online – you have the basis of substantial growth in both income and popularity within your marketplace.
For instance, take this story from Robert Pagliarini who took an idea he had when talking to a friend about dealing with his finances after he gets the feeling that he may be about to get laid off.
Within a matter of days he had a 70-page ebook, decided to offer it for free in exchange for having it go viral, makes a huge impact on the market and finds himself on Oprah a few short months after.
We’ve had cases of our own where students have turned a lifetime of knowledge into their own ebook within a few days and launched an entirely new life for themselves with unbelievable results in terms of income, health and happiness
So, is this the time you should take a few days and write an ebook?
Only you can decide, but the rewards could certainly be pretty hard to ignore – you can get started by taking this free 7-part program on writing an ebook…put this information to work and we’ll see you soon on Oprah!