We’ve talked before about the compelling reasons why you should write your own ebook in postings like “When Is Your Ebook Coming Out” and even jumped right into how you would go about identifying hot topics and start your own ebook writing business from home part-time in “The Ebook Marketing Blueprint Series”.

But there are two other reasons for writing an ebook that the so-called experts in the traditional publishing world are just getting around to thinking about – yet us information marketers have known this for years now…

1.  As An Ebook Author – You Gain Clout and Can Turn Into Your Own Publishing Company.

When you head out on your own and follow a blueprint like the system outlined within Information Marketer’s Zone, you not only understand how to tap into niche markets with huge buying opportunity, you learn to craft your product to attract maximum attention and to master the art of marketing on the internet.

What does marketing on the internet really mean?

It means gaining clout!  It means that you build a following that look to you not only for your own products, but as an authority for a given market which means that others with ebooks or other products seek you out and that turns your opportunity into a publisher rather than just an ebook writer.

For instance, in the 4 markets we currently operate in – we have 12 information products – some ebooks, membership sites, reports, etc… but we also earn close to 1/3 of our profit online by partnering with others who want to tap into our following…that is extremely powerful!

So, when you decide to write your own ebook you are really deciding to capture the attention of your market and build value as well as profit over the coming months and years – an impressive result for a few weeks work.

2. Ebooks Get Bundled and Integrated With Other Product Offerings

Please read this carefully because this is where you can turn a 50K or 60K ebook business into a multi-million dollar online enterprise…

Many ebook writers stumble upon opportunities like this – and if they are lucky, they know how to really step up and grow their business into something extremely large.

Often with non-fiction, information-based topics, how-to information, training topics your readers are looking to accomplish an end result – and your ebook helps them achieve that end result, right?

Well, what ELSE do they need to help them get there?

Here is a very abbreviated list of some other options you as an ebook writer have to offer your customers:

  • Additional training material
  • Training videos to enhance the material in your ebook
  • Support teleseminars that run weekly – say 4-6 sessions you bundle to get your selling price up to $197 or even higher depending on your topic
  • A private members site with additional support material
  • Software products that help them track or enhance the material in your ebook
  • A more in-depth training session which you can package into a course, home study program, manual, blueprint or other seminar and offer a range of training options into the 10K + range
  • Hard goods – we did this with one of our yoga/meditation ebooks where the ebook sold like crazy and spawned an e-commerce site we had offering yoga goods

Integrating other information and non-information products with ebooks will be a huge trend as we get into 2010 and into 2011 as ebook writers begin to understand the leverage they have as true internet entrepreneurs and not just writers.

Are you ready to write your own ebook – then get started by visiting Information Markter’sZone and check out the free material under “Sample Articles” where you will find some free trianing, videos and articles to get things rolling for you.