Do you ever wonder if your dream to write your own book will become a reality?

Or maybe you have even given up altogether…if that’s the case then you may NOT want to read on about this writing success story

After nearly 40-years of dreaming about writing a book, a mother of 3 finally put words to page and has come out with her own top selling book titled The Parent’s Guide To Uncluttering Your Home targeting other middle-age parents who may be downsizing for reasons of their kids moving out, a drop in income or other life situations.

As always, we can learn from how Janet made her dreams come true (read this great profile of Janet while you’re at it):

1. Just Do It – Janet dreamed of writing her book since she was in grade-school – unlike many who never act on their dream, Janet did…you don’t have to wait, but can get started right now

2. Use Life Experience – As you move through life you learn lessons, you tackle challenges, you experience great joy and disappointment, you go through experiences that can help others who follow.  That’s what Janet did, a combination of forces common to many (having to move for her husband’s job, having to go through her own challenge finding a job, re-locating, having your kids leave home…) all lead to a very typical situation of downsizing which forces people to make tough decisions on what to get rid of.   These are highly emotional decisions – keepsakes, history and material posessions all have great emotional attachment.  Her book helps others deal with these challenges

3. Combination of life experience and research.  Janet took the right approach in combining her personal experience with the topic and additional research (in this case consulting experts in feng shui and organizers) to help her fill in the book.   So she didn’t have to come up with everything on her own…I always like to combine my own experiences and content with researched content when we write our books.  I find it makes the process faster and is more thorough coverage of the topic

Now Janet has her own published book available to the world, marketing is her next stop.  Getting PR, doing interviews and book signings are now table stakes — our recommendation…live webinars, YouTube videos, social networking and blogging would help market her book and take it to even greater heights. 

Now it’s your turn…what would your book be about?