Making Your Book Marketing Profitable
So you want to write a book?
There is no better feeling than putting the finishing touches on your own book, ebook or information product and either seeing your book in bookstores or marketing a book online.
Wait a minute, yes there is…
When you see your first check – not only have people purchased something with your name on it, but the checks will not continue to roll in for months and years to come, right?
Not always…in fact 9 out of 10 books written won’t make money, but for students of InfoMarketer’sZone that ratio is MUCH more favorable.
A big part of what makes the difference between a top selling book or ebook is in preparation – here are 3 MUSTS of preparation before you write a book:
- Pick a niche market and topic that fill an emotional need or desire in your prospect base. So many non-fiction writers are 99% focused on sharing their expertise, research or writing skill only to forget that the MAIN reason people buy non-fiction, information-based ebooks, books and infoproducts is to solve an immediate need or desire to achieve something in their life. Watch this free video – an excellent 3-step system for making sure your book topic will sell.
- Pre-market…otherwise known in the book marketing and promotion segment as building your platform, or in wider marketing circles, building your brand. This is where the internet holds so much potential, you can market your book online using blogs, articles, teleseminars and webinars, free report giveaways and leverage the power of joint ventures and partners who can help you promote your book online for you.
- Higher-end products: Understand what business you are in…you are in the “results GETTING” business as far as your customers are concerned. What other products and services can you offer to help them get results (lose weight, live with less stress, raise a child, overcome an illness, travel more affordably, improve their financial situation or relationships, etc…) Your book or ebook should be part of a broader set of offerings – part of a bigger information publishing plan that may involve additional product creation OR licensing/affiliate marketing opportunities.
Writing a book, ebook or information product can be an incredibly enjoyable, exciting and very profitable internet business – you improve your chances substantially by focusing on these 3 critical areas before you write a book and market it online.