For some writers, asking them to speed up the artistic process of writing a book is akin to asking them to sell their first born for a day’s coffee money!

Yet learning to be a more effective (faster and better) writer benefits each of us, those who write for enjoyment, those who write as a career or job, those who write to help training and educate others or those that purely write to make more money and improve their brand.

I have been writing for nearly 20-years in one capacity or another…it started with training manuals and corporate white papers evolving to ebooks and books through to blogs, articles, reports and more involved home study and training courses.

In that time, I’ve learned some very valuable things about how to write quickly, effectively and actually have people like your work more – in the end.


1.  Have The End In Mind. So many of our students over at InfoMarketer’sZone begin without a clear goal of the book or ebook.  Ideally that goal should be with the end reader/customer in mind.  What do want them to get out of this work when they finish reading the last page and put it down?  Without the end in mind, your writing journey will be fraught with uncertainty, lack of focus, writer’s block and a long schedule

2. Best Writing Time...Everyone we have worked with has an optimal writing time, a time of day when they are at least twice as productive writing as other times of the day.  For me, that time is in the morning, for you…it may be late in the evening when the house is quiet.

3. Be Consistent.  Effective writing is really flexing your creative muscle.  The more you flex, the easier it gets.  Be as consistent as you can, that will make your writing much simpler

4. Keep Your Purpose Top Of Mind. What is your big WHY when it comes to writing?  Do you want fame? Do you want to retire early from your job?  Do you want to stand behind a deeply held cause?  You MUST have a big WHY and meditate on that each day so you are driven to put your effort into writing.

5. Writing and Editing are Separate. So many first-time writers try to edit their writing AS they are writing.  Big mistake.   Our brains are in very different modes when we write versus when we edit.  Write in free-flowing chunks, leave the editing to later

6. Have A Tailored Outline. Not everyone needs this, but I have found most people do significantly benefit from having a very specific, tailored outline.  When I sit down and write Chapter 6 of “How To Get Your Teenage Child’s Attention”…the Chapter is structured in terms of an overall question or objective for that chapter and each 1-2 page chunk is outlined into a pressing question related to that chapter.  The reason I do this?  Simple, our brain is already trained to answer questions, we do that very effectively hundreds of times a day.  Leverage that power with your book outline and you will be amazed at how quickly your writing goes.

7. Write Like You Talk. Many new students inside our writing and marketing training site come in with a partial or completed project that reads like someone else’s (or even worse, a non-existent) personality.  To write a book fast AND appeal to your audience, you want to write like you talk – after all, that is your personality.

8. Eliminate All Distractions. I have always been able to do a good job ignoring distractions around me, but many others are highly sensitive to them.  With a dozen distractions in a 1-hour writing block you can easily end up 10X less effective in your writing.  Go to a coffee shop, lock your office door, take the phone off the hook, write outside…however you can get 1-hour of distraction-free time – do it!

9. Affirmations. Many people have been silently defeating themselves for years by whispering (in their own inner dialog) “I am not a good writer…” Past conditioning through inner dialog or perhaps something your parents or teacher told you WILL defeat you…so each day have a positive affirmation you state that goes something like this “I am a highly effective writer who clearly communicates my personality to my readers who absolutely treasure and value my material in their lives”

10. Just Do It! If you have found writing slow, laborious, frustrating or even painful in the past, chances are you do more procrastinating, self-editing or work without a clear focus…clear those out of the way and you will instantly gain a 3-4X more productive writing regime.

Anyone, given the drive, determination, purpose and persistence, can write their own book, ebook or infoproduct.

With these 10 tips you can now be more effective than ever in writing a book fast…let us know how it works out for you by leaving us a comment.  Happy Writing!