I had one of our Information Marketing Zone Members ask me yesterday “if you had to pick one aspect of a product launch that makes the biggest difference, what would it be?”

Once you have gone through a product launch as we have done many times, you immediately “GET” that product launches work because they are a series of steps (a process) and not just one or two techniques.

Many people do a decent job of one or two steps, but still don’t get the results they want.

They may do a decent job of blasting out content, but still can’t seem to draw enough traffic or sales.

Or, they may do a decent job of attracting some partners/affiliates who will promote their product, but then fall flat on their face as some of their partners don’t promote while those that do turn out to be ineffective.

In each case, it is the lack of an orchestrated process that stands in the way of making a big splash, generating a large list and skyrocketing sales of your new (or updated) ebook.


The real advantage of a product launch can’t be whittled down to one item because by its nature, a product launch is a process.

Step 1 – Make sure your product is well targeted & tested with some early market validation/input and champions
Step 2 – Develop a partner program that will “sell” to partners – the really successful launches have put as much effort (sometimes more) into developing a sales funnel, tools for partners as their own sales site
Step 3 – Great copy and sales funnel…you want to have a landing page that converts to sales funnel (the pre-launch sequence as it is often called) and then a sales page that converts
Step 4 – User engagement – the social proof that comes with users being engaged during the pre-launch is one that many people miss out on, but successfully creates the hunger and overcomes objections at an emotional level leading to buyer frenzy when the doors are open
Step 5 – Have a great offer with some urgency and scarcity

Take any one of these out and you have a less successful launch.

This process works so well, we have organized the launch training portion of our 6 Week Information Product Profits Training around this exact set of steps knowing how well it has worked in the past for our own products and those of hundreds of our students.  If you are ready to launch your information product, you can benefit from the step-by-step training based on the latest findings inside InfoMarketer’sZone