Episode 30 of the Online Business Platinum Podcast is the best episode yet because it touches on CRITICAL pieces to building your on-line business that will give you the edge and help take you to the next levels as an entrepreneur and business owner.
The ability to take years of experience, practical knowledge gained through daily operation of multiple on-line businesses is what feeds this on-line business podcast…if you are ready to put your business into TURBO-drive, then listen to this episode below…(or better yet, head up to Itunes and search for “Online Business Platinum Podcast”, then subscribe so you get our weekly podcast automatically.
In this episode we cover…
- The #1 thing you must STOP doing (guaranteed you do it…) right now and you will become more successful
- 5 Pieces you need to have in place to launch and grow profit from your own, on-line training or knowledge product business (e-books, books, courses, webinars, membership programs, etc…)
- Test on how you respond to setbacks and challenges and how the TOP business people are different in how they deal with challenges
Of course, all of this is brought to you in under 30-minutes with zero fluff…our podcasts are meant to make a difference in your life not to be rambling, self-professions that seem to make up 99% of the other podcasts that frankly, we just don’t have time to listen to…
Once you listen and learn, please leave your comments on this episode here at the blog so we can help you or provide additional content in future editions of the podcast.
Listen below: