Having your own signature digital product selling online is life-changing.
Only those of us who have gone through it know exactly what it feels like to…
- See that first sale deposited in your bank account
- Feel the independence of knowing our formula works and can be repeated over-and-over whenever we want or need it
- Understand the incredible feeling of having a customer tell us the positive impact we are having on their life
- Realize how much BIGGER an opportunity this is than we ever thought
Unfortunately, to realize all of this (and more…), you must first overcome the intimidation, fear and self-doubt that goes with committing to any “work”.
Even though the the “work” is tiny compared to the ongoing benefit – our mind’s must still be convinced. In reality we all only have so much time, energy and attention.
So, in Episode 52 of the Online Business Platinum Podcast I share with you my secret weapon!
My 1-hour Digital Product Profit Formula where I find ideas, find solutions and then simply test the market before producing a “quickie” product that begins earning me cash.
I even give you one of my favorite sites I love to use to prove and extract ideas – it’s all right there in front of you.
This episode is less than 15-min – go ahead an listen now.
As always – any comments, questions or challenges – let’s hear them in the comments.