We all get reminders from time to time of how precious, short and valuable our life here on earth is.

For me, this Holiday season has been one of those reminders – a close cousin passing away, another close aunt continues to battle adversity and a friend who was rushed into emergency surgery on Christmas Eve.

Losing anyone we are close to is a painful, sobering and sometimes very scary time as we are forced to look our own mortality square in the face.

What should our response be?

Outside of giving the most help and support to those around us, what should these life experiences mean for our own time here on Earth?

The way I see it, we can go one of three ways…

1. We can try and ignore it and get on with our life – to me this is like trying to put a band-aid on a giant cut, eventually you figure out it just doesn’t work.  In fact, ignoring reality and pain is likely the surefire way to have it eat you up inside.

2. We can choose to beat ourselves up for it – wallow in ongoing pain and enter into a long period of unhappiness thinking that somehow our unhappiness equates to some sort of universal good that balances out the pain of those who suffer.  Is the right answer to add more negativity to the universe?

3. Or…we can choose this sobering reality to make sure we are properly aligned in our own life.  Are we focused on the right things?  Are we truly happy?  Are we making a contribution to society that brings us a level of internal satisfaction, fulfillment and peace?

I have chosen #3 – the last day has been all about introspection – looking within to make sure I check inside and know what it is that really matters to me…you know the “if I only had 6-months left, what would I do” sort of questions.

A good part of our lives involves making a living – earning enough money to live the life we truly desire, to enable giving of time and donations to others, to leave a legacy, to give our kids the best chance in life, to share our wealth, knowledge and experience with as many around us – now that is a great way to live.

What about you?

As we head into a New Year, are you living the life you know, deep down, is the “right” life to live?

Will you feel fulfilled, happy, accomplishment and total contentment in your life each day, week and month as you head into 2010?

Does your life have the proper balance between security, family, health and money?  Have you goals in each of those areas that are clear and definite?

We all go through rough times in our lives, for me the next days will involve a great deal of giving and healing, but ultimately I will take this time to re-evaluate and ensure I am living my life On Purpose – in alignment with my internal purpose.  If this seems self-serving, it really isn’t because I know that my ability to contribute back to society will be greatly increased when I am living in harmony with the way the universe expects.

For anyone else challenged by sadness, fear, or any other challenge around you  entering into the New Year – circling back and making sure we are taking the time to re-set, to ensure we are living each hour of each day in the New Year for a greater purpose.
