How To Move From Passive To Active, Your Own $1,000/hour Coaching Business, How To Create A Product When You Know “Nothing”…In This Week’s Issue

Heading into a long weekend, wanted to keep this issue short, to the point and extremely valuable for you.

So, today the absolute best tips, content and stories to help you close more sales and make more profit in your online business touch on…

  • The “REAL” value of your knowledge – $1,000/hour sound about right?
  • Why you CAN create hot selling “advice” info products when you know “Nothing”
  • How even the laziest slob can become an action-oriented dynamo…and win at business


Understanding The REAL Value Of Information and Knowledge

There’s a “tiny” secret that the elite information marketing pro’s out there have known for decades that earns them fortune after fortune, but that drives most new online entrepreneurs absolutely BATTY!

Can you guess what it is?

Actually, there are a likely a few secrets that fall into this category, but the one I’m talking about is “how to put a high value on information, advice and knowledge” when it seems there are so many other ways your prospects can get that information or advice elsewhere for less money.

Haven’t you asked that question yourself?

Why would anyone pay $47 for yet ANOTHER weight loss program when there are a Gazillion of them already out there and a football field’s worth of free information on the topic?

Even more intriguing, why would someone spend $1,000 for an hour of coaching on a topic when they can get the information for far less from someone else?

Let me answer that question for you once and for all…and believe me, if you read this post very closely you will literally have found the “pot of gold” at the end of the rainbow…it’s THAT powerful

How Does He Charge $20,000/client, $1,000/hour For Coaching AND Have a 4-Year Waiting List?

I Know NOTHING…Ah, But Here’s Why You Can Still Create Killer Info Products

So many people (perhaps this describes you) would like to be able to put together an ebook, book or info product and start seeing sales and profits from that venture within the next 4-6 weeks, but wait a minute…what if you don’t know enough to write a book, ebook or course?

Hmmmm….there is that little problem right?

Not really, having worked with hundreds of information product entrepreneurs over the years I will honestly say that the few who have come to me that DO have immense knowledge or experience in a given niche market are usually the ones that have the TOUGHEST times to turn that knowledge into profit.

Here’s why

If you are TOO close to a market, too deep, involved too greatly and know too much you (oddly enough) you often miss the forest for the trees…meaning you miss the really big (sometimes very basic) desire for a solution to a problem because you come with pre-determined thoughts on what they NEED versus giving them what they want.

I’ve seen it over and over again, people who know very little about a market BUT have immense passion or interest are quickly able to determine the most obvious and most significant desire to target AND can quickly put together the information those customers need resulting in a very profitable product.

Read More About Why Knowing Nothing Can Give You An Unfair Advantage With InfoProduct Marketing

How To Move From “Paralyzed Sloth” To A “Effortless Gazelle”

So many people have often told me if they could unlock the key to their inner potential so they can transform being stuck and non-active into taking massive action they KNOW their life would change almost immediately.

Apparently that key does exist, others have found it and as a result, have become incredibly action-oriented despite having lived a self admitted life of laziness and procrastination.

I call this “Flipping The Profit Switch”…and yes, you can change despite how hopeless you may think the situation is.

One of the keys is to consciously increase the amount of pain/discomfort associated with procrastination.

See, we often don’t take action in our lives until the pain or discomfort gets to be greater than the pain we associate with taking action.  It stands to reason that if we are not taking action on our business (or personal for that matter) goals today, we have associated pain with taking time, energy and risk to change while we have associated a relatively high value to the pleasure of watching TV, sitting on the couch, surfing the net or gaming (or whatever else we do to fill in the time we would like to be more productive with).

To find out the other key piece to naturally and painlessly Flipping The Switch and becoming an action-oriented success story…read this:

How To Flip The Switch…And Take More Action Getting More Results

Enjoy The Holiday Weekend

Enjoy the time with family and friends this weekend (I know we will spend some time at the beach and biking with our family) so you can come back refreshed and ready to go as we enter the critical final part of the year when you can make a HUGE difference in your life and the lives of those around you by living your dream and growing your online business.

If you have questions or comments…we like to see them and will do our best to get them answered.

Until next week, wishing you success