I get very tied up day-in and day-out working our own collection of online businesses and helping others grow their own online ventures…sometimes it’s easy to lose track of the REAL reasons behind the ambition and work we do.
The pictures on this page come direct from a recent vacation I took with my family…some incredible times..more on that in a moment.

At The Beach
When it comes right down to it, the energy, enthusiasm, persistence and execution that goes into building your internet business comes down to the REASONS behind it, so we don’t want to lose track for long.
I see so many people that get tied up in knots about the latest techniques, latest business opportunity or latest Google change (as an example), they use this as an excuse to give up or at least slow down on their progress.
The real reason though is that they have lost (or never had) a good grasp of the WHY behind their desire to build an online business.
That’s never been a problem for me…I have known since I was in my early 2o’s that…
- I NEVER want to hand complete control of my energy, time and skill to someone else to screw up
- I would rather organize and optimize my own time and schedule rather than live by someone else’s schedule
- I want my screw ups to be mine…not have to constantly clean up after someone else’s ineptness (Not that I am perfect…far from it…I would just rather live with my own consequences rather than fix what someone else has broken)
- I want to build leverage into my business model…working only for a weekly paycheck doesn’t give you that leverage
- I want to learn and become more valuable to my market over time, that isn’t always the goal (or even possible) in a job
- It’s between me and my market thank you very much…when you work in a job for someone else you have layers of separation, people, rules, processes and politics that stand in the path from you and your customer…to me that just inhibits growth – mine and theirs.
- I like to enjoy life, travel, have fun and most important of all…SHARE IT WITH MY FAMILY! What better education and service can I be as a parent than to teach my kids to fend for themselves, control their own destiny, have the confidence in life to take on any challenge, to know that they can be serious and have fun at the same time and that they can travel the world and become more enlightened – even at a young age!

Incredible Sunset
All of this came flooding back over the past few weeks as I took some time off to enjoy traveling, enjoy the beach and meet with friends where we have vacationed in past years…
Not only did I come away refreshed, but with renewed energy after plugging into the REAL reason we continue to build our businesses.
Do you have your reasons clear?   If you would like…share them by leaving a comment and reinforce them even further.