Don’t you just HATE doing things over and over again and getting TINY results?
 Like a hamster on a wheel, it may start out fun…but after a while it gets damned exhausting!
Yet most people start their business exactly like that!
The franchise owner that must open his doors and pound his head against he wall for another day just to make ends meet. 
The online market that has to continually post new content to bring in less and less Adsense dollars or money from affiliate products
I call it being “Stoopid Smart!” 
They become really good (even experts) at operating Stupid Businesses…
What’s the opposite of “Stoopid…?”
Being “Smaaart” of course!
And, the key to being smart is “leverage” 
I just finished up a call with an InfoProduct Success Package customer that went something like this…
CALLER:  “Jeff, I am a 20-year consulting expert in relationship counselling…but I’m tired and trapped in my practice, I am looking to infoproducts as THE way out!”
ME:  “Too bad you waited 20-years! Within a few weeks we can have your knowledge packaged and begin to free you from your shackles…today is the start of a new life for you” 
When you create your own infoproduct (ebook, course, manual, membership site, etc…) – you create it ONCE and you leverage that product again and again WITHOUT using more and more energy.
You research an in-demand topic, you test it and then you package information that you know will sell, setup a “sticky” website and affiliate base — then you watch what leverage really means!
In our first year selling our very first ebook we saw more than $56,000 come in based entirely on OTHER people promoting our product day-after-day, night-after-night.
That’s not STOOPID…that’s Smaaart…right? 
Make sure you consider leverage as part of your business design and planning.
There is no more valuable use of your time my friend!
Thousands have started their leveraged infoproduct business using the InfoProduct Success Package system - for a limited time, you also get to access InfoMarketer’sZone for 30-days as a no cost bonus.  Visit Ultimate Information Entrepreneur’s Success Package  today and get started building your Smart Business.   Â