start an internet businessWhen you first make it your goal to start an internet business, or begin the challenging process of growing your internet business, it can be overwhelming when you think of the dozens of tasks and skills that you find yourself needing to get done.

You need to locate hot markets, decide on the best idea, create a professional website, generate traffic, setup online payment systems, find affiliate products, create your own information products, operate an affiliate program, launch a blog, use social networking, provide top notch customer service, write sales letters, and the list goes on…

Obviously this list is intimidating, and honestly you don’t have to be an expert or skilled in all of these aspects of any online business in order to start an internet business.  The proof is in those who have gone before us.

We’ve had hundreds of great examples of winning online business owners that have joined and profited from the InfoMarketer’sZone turning their desire for a real, full-time online business into reality in just 2-3 months.

However, there are 5 critical skills that ARE most important to your future success in your internet business.  Doesn’t 5 sound more reasonable and achievable?

Top 5 Skills Required To Start An Internet Business

1. Know what they want out of their business (written goals with timelines) – keeps it from being a part-time hobby, turns it into a real business objective. So many people start an internet business with the intention of "just figuring things out" or with the idea that if they could just earn a $1,000/month that suddenly $10,000/month is just around the corner.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way.  If you set out and organize your internet business around earning $1,000/month, you may or may not reach that goal, but you certainly will not reach $10,000/month.  Setting out with the right plan in mind is so important.

2. Know how to identify and understand who their customers are, what their frustrations, desires and goals are. Do you really know who your customers is?  What drives them nuts?  What they would really like to achieve, but can’t?  Your job when you start an internet business is to put together niche markets with a similar set of desires with a product or service that fulfills that desire.  You can’t do this until you know what you are targeting. 

3. Turn just 1 opportunity outlined in #2 into a business by providing a unique product or service that helps them achieve the desire and overcome frustration.

4. Understand the power of leverage – nobody can do it alone, the sooner you "get it", the sooner your income will grow.  When you start an internet business, many people like the aspect of working alone at home – and yes, that is a terrific fringe benefit.  However, you also have to be aware that to really blow the lid off your internet business you will need to network with other partners, jv’s, website and list owners to work out win-win relationships and drive tons of traffic to your sites. 

5. Create a game plan/action plan.  You often can’t do it all yourself (and it wouldn’t make sense to anyway), so your ability to create a clear, effective action plan around your vision is critical to both your own productivity and to getting things done by others (family, friends, contractors, customers, employees, etc…)

When you set out to start an internet business you will have excitement and doubt brought on by the overwhelming demands on your time and knowledge – but sticking to these 5 core skills you can turn your desire to start an internet business into a thriving online enterprise in just a few months.