Just last week Apple announced the intention to support Podcasts under
its massively successful iTunes program.

Major corporations and entrepreneurs alike are taking to Podcasting like
fish to water.

What is it?

It is simply the ability to send out mp3 files to podcast receivers
or agents that enable a user to control which audio podcasts they
would like to be notified about and can download and listen to them at their

A great example is the recently recorded mp3 Stephen Wildstrom recorded
for Business Week on “How To Copy Your LP’s to Software”

You can listen by clicking over to the Business Week Site here.

20 minutes of interesting content that walks a user through solving
a problem – wait a minute – this is really just an information product
isn’t it.

Therein lies the power of podcasting for delivery of both paid and
unpaid content.

You will see podcasting come up more and more for product delivery and
product marketing in the coming days.

We’ll certainly follow this trend – and will be integrating this into
our marketing and product delivery where it makes sense.
