So many people want to write a book or publish their own ebook, but what’s holding them back is knowing if the niche or topic they are considering will sell.

Sound like you?

Great news…with the internet, you no longer have to guess, you can figure out if your idea will sell in a very short period of time.

Withing the Ultimate InfoPreneur’s Success Package we share details on the steps you want to follow when starting your own non-fiction ebook publishing business, one of the key stages is to test (or identify) your niche and topic knowing it will sell.


Any niche where there is passion, an urgency to know about or improve something.

I wouldn’t leave this to chance, no need to these days. There are so many ways you can test ideas (discussion groups, blogs, ebook directories like Clickbank and Amazon, reviewing magazines in your niche, etc…)

Where most people go wrong is not in picking the larger market, but in really focusing on an extreme urgency for either gaining a particular skill, advantage or overcoming a specific issue.

As one example, a generic ebook on weight loss will be much harder to sell than an ebook about belly fat.

Make sure you understand your market and know what you can give them that will improve their lives (they may know exactly what that is today or they may not), but the better you know your market, the more chance you have of reading their mind and having a hit ebook.

In some markets we have figured that out very quickly, in other markets it is more nascent, for those markets where you have doubts you can “test” by publishing content around the topic you are thinking about and either sell an affiliate product or give away a report or video series to get a better look at the market.

I still remember when we first launched an ebook in the personal development market, we “thought” we had a niche figured out, but after a month of banging our head against the wall wondering why the ebook was not selling we dug in and started exploring various self improvement and personal development discussion forums.

It turns out the material we had published WAS spot on…it’s just that we went to wide with the title and positioning on the ebook.  Within a week we adjusted the title, re-organized the ebook and updated our sales page where it quickly became one of the top sellers in its category on Clickbank.

All of the tools are available right in front of you to pick your next hot selling ebook title, its up to you to execute!