Have you ever lost a few hours of your life trying to repair your toilet?


I heard it all night as little by little the dripping water came close to driving me completely over the edge!

So, I wake up early to tackle the project this morning.

30-minute job tops right?

Not so fast Jack!

As you may well know, it turns out there are some twists and turns when you try and reapair your toilet…

  • Every make has a different filler and drain flap (up utnil this morning I didn’t even know the name for that black flap – the gatekeeper I was sure was responsible for the trickle from hell!
  • Same thing goes with the filler mechanism, and here you have various different sizes too…9″,10″, 12″ and the famous “generic one size fits all model”
  • Then, I figured out the flap is rather sensitive in terms of adjustment.  I’m sure I managed to use 2-weeks of water just getting the adjustment right
  • All of this had me thinking, in the end, should I have just put in a new toilet?

In the end, I won!

3-hours later and 3-trips to the home improvement store I am now a proud part-time plumber having tackled the wicked task standing victorious in front of our newly quieted throne (I bet you’re happy I didn’t include a picture right?)

As I had my hands in the back of the toilet, it did strike me though that there were similarities to succeeding with business and marketing, so here are my 4 BATHROOM MARKETING LESSONS:

  1. Trial and error…the only reason I ultimately succeeded with this job (as with business) is that I started, kept trying, testing and tweaking things until I got it right.  Marketing and running your own internet business is just the same
  2. Doing the job yourself– I knew in the end it would be a better job and I saved about $200.  In your own business it often is better to do things once yourself (and sometimes some things ALWAYS yourself).  I’m all for outsourcing and making money marketing other people’s products, but you really need your own products too and you need to know the job you are outsourcing to make sure it is done right at a fair price
  3. Successes Pump You Up.  Granted, the feeling of euphoria in fixing the toilet doesn’t last quite as long as succeeding in your own business, the journey and reaching your goal is well worth the effort…which brings me too…
  4. Not being afraid to try.  You have to start somewhere.  I was far from a plumber, but learned the basics and got rolling. From there I had the confidence I could pull this off and amazingly…did just that.  Same thing goes for building your own business.

Funny enough, these pricniples underly some of the top training systems we make available at Infomarketer’sZone – just didn’t realize they had anything to do with fixing a toilet…UNTIL Today!

I totally get that starting and growing your online business to the next level is scary, takes hard work, means that you will have to work through some setbacks and can be challenging at times…but what are the alternatives? 

Just as a leaky toilet would drive me nuts, so would having to work for someone else all my life!

What about you?