Need ideas for your own info proudcts?  Want to know which topics will sell and uncover niche markets with the most opportunity to attract information seekers?

Take the ideas we’ve outlined here and use the principles outlined inside InfoMarketer’sZone and have your own high-profit information product business within 45-days…


1. "Rescue Your Digestive System" – there is tons of information you can package to help people with their digestive system, put your own solution system together from a combination of emtional/stress relief techniques through various culprits including parasites, low or high stomach acid, yeast or candida, etc… Lots of opportunity to become a force in one of the most problematic and widespread challenge of our times.

2. "The Disappearing Love Handles" – one of the most in-demand topics in the weight loss niche, there is tremendous built-in demand for solutions to get rid of the excess fat many middle-age men and some women have hanging over their hip bones. 

3. "Moving Beyond Breakup" – help singles or married people (focus on one or the other) overcome a relationship challenge, get back on the right track, build confidence and attract another partner. 

4. "Is Your Husband Having An Affair?"  – whether we like to admit it or not, there are millions of wives out there right now doubting themselves and their relationship, in the back of their mind is a suspicion that their husband is about to, or is already, cheating on them.  What are the signs…a product with built-in demand.

5. "How To Get MORE People To Like You" – How about a formula for becoming more attractive, getting more friends, becoming more popular in school, at work, getting more dates – it is a fundamental human emotional need to BELONG and to be WANTED.  I love topics like this where we are all programmed to want information like this. 

That does it for this week, if you have any others you would like to throw into the mix or comments on this list, simply leave us a comment below.

Want a truckload of other info product ideas, methods of testing the commercial potential of your idea or to know how to turn more ideas into highly profitable, money-generating info proudcts – stop by InfoMarketer’sZone and get things rolling fast.