Tim Ferris, the highly successful writer and information entrepreneur behind the 4-Hour WorkWeek and now The 4-Hour Body – An Uncommon Guide To Rapid Fat Loss, Incredible Sex and Becoming Superhuman has uncovered a set of secrets that make pulling money from hungry buyers of information a simple, surefire experience — someone definitely worth of studying for those of us who turn information into profit…and would like to reach closer to Tim Ferris’ kind of results
When you want to achieve higher results, we teach all of our top information marketers to study those who are already successful – learn the tips, strategies and techniques that are proven to get results rather than focusing on the other 99% of advice that is just noise.
What can we learn from Tim, here are 3 things that ANYONE who wants to write and self-publish their own non-fiction, informational ebook, book or training program can use to skyrocket your profits:
1. Tim Ferris does not JUST sell information about business success (in the 4-Hour Work Week) or JUST information about burning fat and improving your life (4-Hour Body) – instead he sells the concepts of 80/20 – that you can take a short cut, accomplish bigger results in less time with less effort than everyone else…this message certainly applies to work and earning a living, but also applies to health and weight loss doesn’t it? What else could this apply to? How about relationships? My bet is that we see a 4-Hour Dating Guide and perhaps even the 4-Hour Stress Management Blueprint in the future. The point is that Tim is a MASTER at focusing on what really motivates people to buy information – a desire to solve a problem in a simpler, faster way than they currently know.Â
Go ahead and watch this YouTube Promo for the 4-Hour Body and tell me if the points of 80/20, simple, easy and fast don’t come screaming through…
2.  Tim is the master of building his own platform, marketing himself and his products through his blog, websites, and social media. A major part of attracting and engaging an audience in this new world of social media marketing is to understand your customer’s underlying emotional desire, frustrations, challenges and mindset – Tim Ferris does an excellent job of attracting attention and connecting with his internet consumers – they reward him with participation, involvement and of course, by buying his books. The mainstays of Timothy’s online marketing system are his blog, his Twitter account with over 180,000 followers and his Facebook page – each he devotes significant attention posting several times each day with a masterful combination of interesting links, responses to others in his social circle, news items and promotional posts.Â
3. Use of video to help communicate your value proposition. It is becoming increasingly important for you to have a video presence – further a combination of videos that involve personal “webcam” messages to your audience combined with professional 30-second to 2-minute spots as well as some screen capture training material gives a good breadth of content that you can continually upload to the different, relevant video aggregators such as YouTube as well as your own blog or website
In addition to all of this, Tim Ferris has been very clear about the need to go “an inch wide and a mile deep” with your marketing online. One of the things we teach all of our InfoMarketer’sZone members is how to leverage each technique to go a “mile deep” – for example, tools and templates on how to find and then contact major bloggers or distribution channels who can bring your message to thousands of buyers in just one post or mailing…or how to know exactly what the keywords are that your audience use to search when they want to buy a book like yours…without this knowledge chances are you will be working 3-times harder than you have to and getting 10x less results.