Could you create and market a Million dollar ebook like the top sellers within Amazon and Clickbank do?

How about your own private membership site that charges between $17-$69/month for access to information within niche markets as diverse as Running a Restaurant Business, Financial Planning to Relationship or Health advice?

Or maybe you could develop 4 powerpoint training modules and operate a home-study program delivered on DVD or via webinar/teleconference coaching sessions – these commonly range from $97-$997 depending on the content & target audience. 


The number of top selling ebooks continues to rapidly increase, we have dozens dn dozens of members over at InfoMarketer’sZone that have launched brand new careers for themselves with their own infoproducts – and now, for the first time in years – have a viable business that earns them ongoing income from products they developed once. 

Not every information product is a success of course,  but understand and apply these 3 tips and your chances are extremely high:

1. Narrow your search for a market & specific problem down by looking at existing demand for information. To start with, focus on topics within health & wellness, business/finance, relationships, or certain hobbies where there has been proof of people buying information

2. Make sure you target a highly desired RESULT expected by your niche market…in other words, don’t author an ebook about Losing Weight, but be specific about exactly what ugly fat your prospect is wrestling with emotionally – arm fat, belly fat, “get rid of thunder thighs”…etc   Think about it, the first thing someone thinks about is not losing weight but rather how do I get rid of these ugly…

3. Begin by putting up a website/blog now and start building traffic & a list so as you create your infoproduct you can survey your market, get some early testimonials & reviews and have a base to launch your product when it is done.

Here are several free/open articles, tutorials and videos on infoproduct creation and marketing you may find helpful. Create & market infoproducts.