What happens when you have some ideas for an infoproduct, but you aren’t really sure it is the right niche market or idea?

Many people get caught in this phase for months – even years – and never get to the point of testing or making money from their information product.

When you have 2-3 ideas floating around in your head, what is the best way to move forward?

Here are 4 steps outlined in detail within the 6 Week InfoProfit Formula within InfoMarketer’sZone  to help turn general ideas for information products into top selling products making you daily profit:

1. List the top 3 ideas that you have so far…get them down on paper as they will be your starting point for moving forward. For example, let’s say that you have managed to lose 10 lbs in the past using a certain combination of diet and exercise, that could certainly be one of your ideas.  For other examples, look at challenges you have overcome, information you have gone looking for or exciting times you have had in your life – usually these give you an opportunity to share real stories and tips with other people around you.  Even if you don’t have enough for a full ebook or book, having a start is a big advantage. 

2. Do some market research around each one – mainly look at Clickbank Marketplace, Amazon, Commission Junction and do a general web search to find leading ebooks, courses, seminars, etc… What you are looking for here is to see

a) Can you find other ebooks, books, seminars, courses or video packages that are selling well?  Do they have a decent gravity on Clickbank?  What about their Amazon sales rank?  Can you find evidence that certain products within this space are being sold by many affiliates? 

b) What angle do they take – meaning what question do they specifically answer for their audience and what keywords have they targeted.    For example, I happen to know there are certain weight loss keywords that tend to have higher demand than others (Ex. Love handles or Leg Fat tend to be real problems that people search for solutions – rather than just fat loss or losing weight)
3. From your market research one should stand out as the best market – from there I would recommend you start a website and blog – blog about the topic for a few weeks (a post each day) so that you begin to draw traffic. Ideally, you create or license material for a quickie report on your topic to give away, this will help you begin to build a customer list AND tests out the concept you would turn into a larger product

4. When you begin to see some takers on the report, you go ahead and outline your ebook. It is a good idea to keep your first ebook small and focused, improving it based on customer feedback in subsequent editions.  That way you can get your ebook out quickly, it satisfies a very directed demand and opens the door to additional products and services as you advance in your niche market.

Getting past the idea phase of your information publishing business is perhaps the most important step toward succeeding with self-publishing.  Following the 4-step plan above will get you going and get the momentum working in your favor.