money making infoproduct

Automatic Money Machine

If you have your own ebook, report, audio or video information product and it is not selling up to your expectations, or perhaps you are just now starting down the path of creating and marketing your own infoproducts, the good news is that there some things you can do to improve your sales. 

Information marketing is NOT new.  As far back as can be remembered the practice of dispensing information and expertise in exchange for either trade or commerce has occurred. 

The packaging of knowledge into “how-to” books, and later e-books, has existed for hundreds of years.  I recently discovered a “golf tips” book from the early 1900’s that has since fallen into the public domain. 

Around that same time period numerous top selling books dispensing knowledge and advice around self-improvement, professional and financial advice, coaching and many other topics can be found.

Certainly, the transition of creating digital information products and selling them directly to consumers or business has evolved dramatically over the last 10-years, and it is an absolute truth that we are still only on the leading edge of massive opportunity brought about by these changes in how information is packaged and sold to those who want it the most. 

So yes, you are on the leading edge of an incredible opportunity to turn basic information that is urgently required into your own money machine online…read about our own experiences and techniques over at InfoMarketer’sZone.

It is also fair to say that this will not happen automatically, does require an understanding of…

  • What niche markets and products you should create
  • How those info products should be positioned for maximum appeal
  • Creation techniques that take days rather than weeks or months
  • Aligning massive market demand with your own positioning so that you see BIG results fast

Pumping Up Your InfoProduct Profits

Specifically, here are 3 techniques you can use to dramatically improve your infoproduct sales and profits:

1. Hit Your Audience’s Hot Buttons.  The desire for information is typically preceeded by a large desire to reduce pain or increase pleasure.  People with painful hemorrhoids, tinnitus, shyness or fear of public speaking all share the same desire to overcome a very emoitonal pain in their life.  On the other hand, those who seek out more self-confidence, a job promotion, a better golf swing are also motivated by the potential to experience pleasure. Always be looking for your audience’s hot buttons, not only will this help you create in-demand infoproducts, but you will also be a much more effective marketer leading to huge sales.  

2. Position outside of the crowd.  We have helped information marketers enter extremely competitive markets by knowing the competitive trend and positioning at a higher value proposition than your competitors.  For example, you may find 100 books or more covering your topic, but you may only find a few home study courses – there’s your opening.  Your competitive advantage can be format, how your proudct is structured, applicability of your product, how your product is bundled, as well as your unique value proposition. 

3.  Make Yourself In-valuable.  The key to making yourself invaluable in your market is to know your market better than your competition.  How do you get to know them?  You listen, watch and test.  Listen to people you know who have the desire you are targeting.  Watch closely forums, blogs and comments on social networking platforms for comments made about your topic.  Offer small group coaching to get direct feedback from your market.  Hold teleseminars to test ideas and collect feedback.  Test sample webpages for response prior to creating your own infoproduct.

In most cases, information products that are not making money do not have to be thrown away, simply re-targeted to address the main demand wave within a given market. 

If you are just now starting your information marketing business, build these 3 techniques into your business creation and watch your sales grow faster and bigger than they would have otherwise.