Most people live their lives in an illusion.
The ILLUSION is simply that there is a middle ground where you can settle, put things off, wait, or simply dream your way to where you want to be.
The TRUTH is that you are either taking action TOWARD where you want to be or you are ACCEPTING where you are…
Now that you know the truth, use this to your advantage.
When you dream, plan or make a decision at any point in your life, make it a decision of whether to ACT and change toward what you want OR accept where you are for the time being.
Accepting is OK, but what hurts us most is living in this illusion that somehow you are neither accepting or moving forward…
The danger there is that eventually it WILL catch up with you. For many, that realization comes too late in their lives and leads to tremendous anger and regret.
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Try This Powerful SNAP System For Getting Unstuck In Your Life!