write an ebookWhen you wake up to find dozens of ebook orders, a profit that exceeds what you could have earned in your full-time job in 1 day, a request to be interviewed by a well respected leader in your niche market and some partnership opportunities you are just starting to experience what it is like to write an ebook that sells – the launch of a fantastic and exciting information publishing business. 

That’s the good news (actually incredible news), but first…you have to get there right?

For an ebook to be a hot seller you need…

1. A passionate desire to achieve or avoid something (gain prestige, get more money, take back control OR lose weight, avoid embarassment, be more comfortable and self-confident, have more fun, etc…).  So, think for your marketplace, what do people want to achieve, do, accomplish or avoid?

2. You need a good sales letter – your book could be the best in the world, but if it doesn’t hit you emotionally when you read it…your never going to find out.  We always advocate building the key benefits of your sales page early in the infproduct publishing life-cycle helping guide you to a much stronger ebook.

3. You need access to your marketplace.  You need to be able to generate traffic and convert that traffic into sales – which means they must be reachable on the internet in a big way (by search engines, web2.0 sites, through partnerships with existing mailing lists, by advertising, etc…)

The ideal situation when you enter your own internet business publishing your own information products is to have identified a market in which you have identified a raw passion and desire, where you have put together a killer list of bullet points that will attract your readers to "buy" your solution to their challenge or fulfill their desire and have produced a strategy for reaching your marketplace through a combination of content development, networking/partnerships and advertising.

While all of this can seem complicated and perhaps out of reach for most people, the fact is that complete newbies have followed systems like the one taught at InfoMarketer’sZone and dominated their niche market the very first try.

The average new internet business owner that tries to develop their own product will go through 6-7 tries at their first infoproduct before hitting the right combination of the 3 factors above – that’s the case if you go in cold, without understanding the power of following a system – a formula upon which 99% of successful information products have followed.  

Are you willing to fail 5-6 times on your way to hitting success?  I know most people aren’t!

Are you willing to spend months and years trying to make your first dollar with infoproducts?  Why would you when it can all happen within weeks?

There is a massive, proven, insatiable demand for information – the system that will allow you to turn that increasing demand into a highly profitable online business can mean amazing freedom, happiness and peace of mind to you and those around you.  Get a head start by taking the 6-week InfoProduct Profit Formula today.