Developing and marketing information products to sell online continues to be a very high growth, profitable and solid method for building your own online business. E-books will continue to offer opportunities in the information product space. Whether you are just starting your information product marketing business or want to take it to the next level, you need to be able to write e-books fast.
I strive to get my own e-books out in 14-21 days, and in most cases that is entirely possible, including the time for outlining, researching, writing and any additional outsourcing that may be required.
How can you write an e-book fast?
Here are 3 tips you can use to turn yourself into a powerful e-book writer.
1. Write an e-book fast – Tip#1: Write a little everyday. Many people approach me or email me and say, “Jeff, I can’t seem to finish my e-book, maybe its the wrong topic or should I look at another product format” Interestingly, when I ask them how many pages they wrote yesterday, last week, in the last month, etc… I get the truckload of excuses coming out…”Well last week was a bad week, I just couldn’t seem to focus, blah, blah, blah…”
Look, we’re all big people here – and in the nature of helping you achieve your goals, I’m going to be blunt.
E-books don’t write themselves…you’re hours of effort are what will put money in your bank account, and if you are smart about choosing your topic (For help on picking a topic that sells check out Ultimate Information Entrepreneur’s Success Package ) you will have a source of income for years to come – all from the effort of a few days work. In the time you spend convincing yourself that you don’t have the time, you’re not sure if your topic will sell, you don’t know enough about your topic or the hundreds of other excuses that will keep you from accomplishing anything substantial – you could have had the bloody e-book written.
So – start by developing an outline (see #2) and commit to writing something (ideally 15-30 minutes of non-stop writing) each day – everyday!
2. Write an e-book fast – Tip#2: Answer questions to guide your writing. If you find yourself lacking motivation, not knowing where to start, getting stuck with the writing process, and not accomplishing much in the way of writing – then try answering questions . Your research phase should strive to expose the most-asked questions your market has about your topic – then simply dedicating your 15-30 minutes each day to answering questions becomes a simple task to stick to each day.
3. Write an e-book fast – Tip#3: Do NOT Pre-judge, Edit, doubt or otherwise let anything get in your way before completing the targeted number of pages and content coverage of your e-book. Look, so many people I know hear one negative comment or allow one single doubt to enter their mind and its over – that’s it – a complete lifestyle change and golden future is snuffed out by one lagging doubt that would likely have no impact on their success in the first place. Come hell or high water, you need to stick to your plan – write 60-80 pages on your topic as planned, then edit and judge after.
I’m sure you will agree, changing a few pages, adding a chapter, refining your research or re-writing 10-pages is overwhelmingly simpler than continuing to start from scratch again and again.
Once you have your content written, it will be nothing to massage it into the product you really want it to be in the end – the secret is to get the bulk of the content developed – then refine later.
These 3 tips will go a long way toward successfully writing yoru e-book fast – if you need additional help, motivation and business help – then there is always InfoMarketersZone.Â
For now, what’s stopping you?
Hi Jeff, thanks for the advice. I am looking to do my own e book. What I’m not familiar with is, once it’s written, how do you get it on the internet, for people to buy? And what format do you put it in (eg, does it have to be in a Word doc, or Adobe reader??) I’m not the world’s greatest computer boffin, so any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated.