Ok, so you may say you get up because the alarm rings, or you have to be up by 7AM to be at work for 8 right?
But what if you didn’t have to go to work anymore?
What if you suddenly had your life change, you didn’t have to worry about bills, payments, food or providing a nice lifestyle for your family – and the future is certain, what would make you get up in the morning? What would motivate you?
Sure, you have some interests, hobbies that you can’t seem to get to – but is that enough? Would that be enough to keep you happy and motivated 6 weeks, 1-year out?
If you have retired or know someone who has retired, you know they go through this process for real and sometimes it isn’t pretty.
Now, snap back to today – maybe the reason you haven’t reached peak productivity, been able to make progress on your business or your latest projects is that you haven’t yet found the right reason – or what I like to call your "Big Purpose".
It doesn’t have to be cure world hunger, it can be something much smaller – but it needs to be something important to you – something that gets your blood pumping.
What gets me up at 5AM to write for 2-hours before my kids are up?
I’m often asked, how do you stay motivated and productive?
What gets me through the frustrating times when I can’t seem to make progress no matter how hard I try?
How do you get through the frustrating start to your online business where you seem to do more learning that producing results?
It’s your "Big Purpose", your "Mission"
Believe me, the most successful people in the world all have a mission in mind – some have been more conscious in forming that mission, others found their mission early on in life.
See if the character in this story sounds like you – WARNING: This story may cause you nightmares!
Doesn’t it make sense that you can’t hope to change the way your life has been for 20 or 30 years unless you can discover something MAJOR that will motivate you, drive you – and it has to come from within. You will not find it outside of you.
So, if you are struggling to dream big, achieve great things in your life, break free of past limitations and really achieve something before you have to leave to the hereafter, start by finding your BIG PURPOSE.
We recently launched http://www.peak-personal-development.com to help others work through this challenging, but incredible rewarding process. Read over the content, we’ll be adding a blog and lots more personal experience to that site in the coming weeks.