While I am 110% convinced about the power of a properly executed internet marketing campaign, I have to question the use of tax dollars giving away grants to industry to improve their internet marketing?
In this story found in Ithacajournal.com, we discover that some 60 wine operators in New York State will receive $1,000 each to improve their internet marketing for wines with the justification that it will promote the industry and the region to more tourists. In addition – it is mentioned that this is the 2cnd round meaning there has been more money (and may well continue to be) spent on such internet marketing initiatives.
What do you think – is internet marketing for private industry by state (or any level for that matter) a good use of tax dollars?
My initial take is that if we can afford hundreds of thousands in grants to improve private industry websites why in the hell are we collecting that tax in the first place. How many untold hundreds of thousands are lost in the process of stealing for Paul to give to Peter?
Regardless of how effective internet marketing is to improve sales and "branding" to this region – to me this is just one more example of how our tax dollars are misappropriated.