Anyone currently involved in a business, hobby, special interest, or almost any experience in their life can turn their knowledge and information into their own self-published book. We’ve listed 4 different case studies below and highlight one particular case study in today’s news headlines.
Members of InfoMarketer’sZone understand the methods and benefits of having your own self-published informational book, course or ebook.
To see just one example, read this story about a presenter who turned her knowledge of teaching newborns into her own self-published book "Baby Sing and Sign". After two self-published editions she has now gotten the interest of major publishing houses, but there is something more important to learn from this self-published book case study…
1. As mentioned in the article – there are benefits for anyone turning their knowledge and experience into their own self-published work. We often think the only benefit is to escape your current job, become a millionaire self-published author working from home – and yes, there are definitely case studies who have accomplished this. But, there are also cases I have been involved with such as…
- A happily employed parent was able to augment their income by 50% by part-time marketing of their own self-published book
- Where a counselor doubled her number of clients by releasing her own self-published ebook in her field
- The case where a very good employee became a dominant industry player by self-publishing a book from within their company paying dividends for the company, while branding him as THE industry player on his topic. (This one was really cool since he simply acted as an editor for a compilation self-published book that eventually led to a publishing contract)
- Many blended models where self-published books and ebooks are used as feed for higher-end back-end products such as coaching programs, multimedia packages, seminars, paid membership sites and more…
2. By putting your information into a workbook format where you combine information and courseware you can differentiate your self-published work from others in the market and often successfully charge much more for your information than would typically be practical for a mass market book. In many cases, by bundling your information into a course, workbook, manual or guidebook you can easily obtain $47, $97 or more depending on your niche market and focus of your material.
3. Think of your self-published work more in terms of the exposure, branding and additional opportunities it will bring you rather than just as a money maker itself. Here are some common benefits from those who self-publish an in-demand book or ebook:
- Attracts partners who further expose your book or ebook as part of an affiliate or joint venture program dramatically widening the coverage of your book
- Will suddenly be looked at as an expert on the topic which can be turned into further publicity, exposure and content by leveraging Web2.0 infrastructures such as discussion forums, social networking sites, blogs, etc… where you can get users involved in creating a buzz about your self-published book or ebook
- Allows you to send out press releases and obtain additional online as well as media exposure
- Provides a platform for which you can pursue offline publicity methods such as guest articles, radio or TV interviews, etc…
- Allows you a quick ramp into the highest 5% top gun players in your industry who may otherwise never realize you exist.
By following the pattern of self-publishing your own book, ebook or course you establish a platform from which you can become a dominant force in your chosen niche market, once that happens, you can develop multiple business models to take advantage of your added exposure.
To fast track the planning, research, development and marketing of your own self-published informational product – take a look at these two top resources online —
Ultimate Information Entrepreneur’s Blog provides daily tips, techniques and strategies on self-publishing and information product marketing, and…
InfoMarketer’sZone gives it’s members exclusive, inside information, mentoring, tools, templates and video instruction on how to self-publish and market their own high-demand information products.