What do you think will make the biggest difference in your ability to make money with your own online business – picking a hot niche market or choosing the Idea you will use to enter that market?
It’s clear, the IDEA is the most critical aspect of your online business success NOT the niche market.
Sure, there is a link. In some very competitive niche markets coming up with a BIG idea that is perceived as unique or radically different is more challenging, but also can be much more rewarding since demand is massive.
So, what I am saying here is to think less about your niche market and think more in terms of finding your BIG idea.
For example, many complete beginners to marketing online have developed their own top selling information products by using techniques within the Ultimate Information Entrepreneur’s Success Package to locate BIG ideas upon which to base their online business.
Let’s say you have 3 niche markets that you are considering for your online business and you are trying to decide between them.
You conduct market research, you figure out that one stands out from the other two in terms of demand and proof of buying activity – but you are also scared by this market because it’s highly competitive. So – you end up being paralyzed by analysis, never being able to really step on the gas not knowing which market to tackle.
Sound familiar?
Here’s how you can quickly decide among multiple markets without having worry about competition or demand.
Step1. Investigate each of the 3 markets in terms of questions, frustrations and problems they need solved.
Step 2. Get a feel for what solutions are already being provided to these problems and desires – look at leading websites, books, magazines, etc…
Step 3. Find one single problem where you see an opening to provide something that will be perceived radically better – that you can take a different approach to solving their problem making it simpler, less painful – now that is what people will pay for.
Let me ask you this – when you consider worn out niche markets like Stop Smoking or Problem Sleeping, is the problem really that these are hyper-competitive markets, that they are worn out OR — is the problem that all of the ideas (web sites, infoproducts, etc…) are all basically giving the same information and so why add another to the mix?
You see — you can tackle any market you want IF you can find a unique way to solve the problem. Great online business models come from Big Ideas that capture the attention and imagination of your marketplace.
Instead of focusing so much on finding markets – spend more time on finding opportunities for solving problems with BIG ideas within markets and watch your online business success skyrocket.
If you want help finding your BIG Idea – now is the time to take advantage of a very special, limited-time complimentary access to the highly regarded infoMarketer’sZone Private Site when you get The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur’s Success Package containing 40 techniques for discovering your BIG idea.