I realize this post is a little different than our other, more business focused, posts…but this was inspired by my son’t Grade 6 graduation today – with their whole lives ahead of them…I believe the feeling, dreams, energy and potential they have applies directly to our pursuit of career, business, financial and lifestyle goals that spawn entrepreneurship in many who start their own business. 

Remember when we were kids, it seemed as though anything we could imagine was possible. Our entire life was in front of us, we had great friends, BIG dreams and so much learning ahead of us…each day there were huge victories that seemed like the impossible became possible – in fact that became a regular occurrence.

But as we grow, get jobs, deal with social and relationship issues, take on more responsibility, experience more stress and pressure – slowly there becomes less impossible becoming possible and more acceptance of only striving for what “seems” possible or simply what comes our way.

As a result, we lose energy, motivation, drive, focus, fulfillment and FUN!

Our creativity and imagination are put on hold for the time being.

But…what if we could rekindle the days when we regularly seek out what is impossible and MAKE it possible again?

What if we could regain the magic of what it feels like as a child who experiences several LARGE victories each day as they learn to turn the impossible into the possible?


It is SO important that we consciously make an effort to evolve again…until achieving the impossible becomes possible.

Here are a few mental notes I made when thinking how to re-direct yourself back to the point where we get UNSTUCK and move toward the impossible again:

1. Expect To Move From Where You Are – over time, we get comfortable, distracted by routine, let the satisfaction with our achievements choke off further ambition until we unconsciously expect to stay where we are. We MUST resist that strong temptation and expect to move even further…beyond where we are today. Become better parents, take more control over our career, treat our friends better, try harder to find our inner purpose and focus.

2. Know That We Will Prevail – making the impossible possible starts with a rock-solid self confidence…and confidence that guides us through uncertain, sometimes uncomfortable situations through to the other side. If you no longer have that strong self-confidence, then it all starts here…

3. Getting Back In Touch With Yourself over time, our lives evolve more and more to living for others (friends, family, our company, organizations, those constantly trying to persuade us and those we compare ourselves to.) Helping others is fine IF you have helped yourself first and guide your work for others in the direction that most satisfies you. For some, that may sound selfish, but really when you are happy and fulfilled you can help those around you to a much greater degree

4. Be Fearless and Let Action Bring Motivation: Drawing on boundless self-confidence, a laser-focused mission and deep seeded self-awareness, you have the tools to overcome fear. All that remains is the necessity to continually be active toward your goals…drawing incredible motivation from each small step you take.

I know this is a constant battle, fighting years of only going after what is necessary or possible in the pursuit of what is impossible is BIG CHANGE for many of us…but what is the alternative?

I’m sure there are other ways to advance our achievement and help break out of a boring or “stuck in a rut” phase of our lives…what have we missed?

What else can you add…or just leave a comment on this very important concept of making the impossible, possible – as a way of living!