Just got off the phone with an information product publisher who sold close to 8,000 copies of their ebook so far – and counting.  I absolutely dig talking to successful people because they’ve figured it all out and are living life like they’ve always dreamed.

Not only has he sold a ton of ebooks, he has a new publishing contract, has a new $70 DVD product out (a 90-minute recording of a recent seminar he was asked to speak at) and a private membership site plus a $4,000 + private coaching program. 

Can you say cha…ching!

His entire information publishing fortune started with one ebook – here’s how to really make money with ebooks.

The momentum a hot selling ebook can bring you in the market will not only put money in your bank account, it will lay the foundation for a giant infopublising empire that spawns from that ebook.

For example, you write an ebook on relieving stress for the busy professional – let’s say you have researched 100 ways to relieve stress, added your own case studies to the mix and release the ebook.

It sells like wildfire, soon you are asked for interviews which get you further publicity and sales. 

Next, you put together a seminar where you record a 1/2-day seminar on your topic in front of 20-30 people.  Now you have video content you can package into a DVD or multimedia package and sell for more than $100.

Wham!  That’s your ticket for hitting the seminar circuit.  You see, seminar promoters make their money off of taking a cut of back-of-the room sales, so they like to see higher priced, physical products – then you will be asked to speak at niche market seminars.

Negotiate a copy of your presentation and you have more video content to distribute in the multimedia package.

About this time, you are now getting emails asking for personal help overcoming certain issues, ongoing coaching, etc… so you launch a high priced coaching program that brings you in another 20-30K each month.

Suddenly, you have yourself a major information publishing empire – and it all started with the single ebook you published.

This is the pattern to follow – and they key is to find your ebook idea, get it written and promoted online so you can start the ball rolling.  If you want to cut down months of time learning, figuring out the right tools and techniques to research markets, time saving techniques for getting content, infoproduct packaging secrets and want to know the "inside" secrets to getting your own website launched for less than $150 AND begin pulling in cash right away – head over to the #1 Infoproduct Resource Center on the Internet – InfoMarketer’s Zone.
