Seriously, are you enjoying what you find online at YouTube, Myspace, iTunes, the network websites or any other place that you are bombarded with videos these days?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against the medium – I like to learn from video when the video is clear, concise, on target and covers useful, unique information.  Unfortunately, the vast majority of video does NOT fall into these categories.

Instead, you get some egghead sharing a bunch of lame stories, smalltalk or 101 tips with you in the hopes of sucking you back to their sales website – don’t they understand that my impression of everything else they have to offer is tainted by my impression of their video?

As information product publishers, our job is to find desires in the marketplace, match them with researched solutions and package that in a unique way that best fills a gap in the market.  That may mean video, then again, it may NOT.

Here are some areas where I think video is a useful media for you to use delivering your content to market:

  1. Training – where you either film an interactive training session with you and a class or an online screen capture – but only if this is edited down to just the most important parts.  I can’t stand watching hours of seminar video when the main content is contained in the last 10-minutes of the presentation. 
  2. Introductions, as long as they are kept brief.  I like the personal touch – to see who I will be learning from, but these can be kept to 5-minutes or less.  For instance, when I start our 6 week Information Product Profits System Training I begin by introducing myself and the course on video followed by a series of screen capture cams – so far the feedback has been incredibly positive.
  3. Professional, entertaining marketing pieces.  I don’t see anything wrong with a professional introduction to a new product or service – but make it short, make it professional and don’t ramble on.

How about you – what have your experiences with video online been so far? 

Are you impressed?

What types of videos do you enjoy watching (oh…and remember – this is a family site 🙂
