Huge success as an entrepreneur depends on the passion, motivation, persistence and focus – that only happens if you are the right business.
It’s no wonder that the success rate of business roughly lines up with the satisfaction rate people have – if you believe the surveys then 75-80% of people admit to NOT being satisfied with their job or business, even less could be said to be totally jacked in what they do.
Interestingly, business success rates sit at less than 25%, hmmm…I wonder if these two things have anything in common.
When we have someone contact us inside of InfoMarketer’sZone, we share the very first week training focused on finding their big WHY…without it we can teach the best tips, techniques and strategies EVER, but they won’t be worth anything if that person is not totally JACKED about their business.
How do you know if you are in the right business?
1. You would work it even if it went to zero (or below)
2. You couldn’t stop, even if you had to…in other words, your interest is so aligned with your business that it would be insane to ask you to stop
3. You actually like, respect and feel close to the specific customers in your market. If you do not know, like or want to help those within your market this is a HUGE sign that you are probably in the wrong business
4. There is very little (if anything) you would rather be doing in your spare time than learning, thinking about or working on your business. Of course there is family, your own health, relaxation and sleep, but aside from these balances in your life, you should naturally be thinking about your market, products and business most of the time
5. You have a BIG vision. Businesses and markets we don’t love are a daily labor, but businesses and markets we love lead to big dreams — remember what it was like to be a kid dreaming about the next game of baseball, of playing with your friends, of building a fort of riding your bike or in later years – going out with the girl (or guy) of your dreams.   Do you daydream about your business? Why not?
Last time I checked, we get one life here on earth, a limited amount of time to spend satisfying our creative and emotional needs – why not align your work and business with what you love…to do anything OTHER than this makes no sense does it?