As book writers and information product publishers we become somewhat convinced that the only niche markets with huge potential are internet marketing, business, and health related topics – yet as we know from the hundreds of private members at...
When you are wondering how to write a book, we can learn from many of the most successful book writers – Mark Victor Hansen shares some of his best insights, these are practical how to write a book tips from his experience as co-author of Chicken Soup for the...
Here’s a great blog posting from Michael Sampson who has recently written a book with Microsoft Press titled "Seamless Teamwork" As Michael well knows, going through the process of writing a book, course or any information product is a terrific...
You are about to set out and write an ebook, do you know what your audience wants? By focusing on what your audience wants instead of what you think you should write or what you believe they want, you not only guarantee your ebook commercial success, but you take the...
That’s right, I’m going to share some techniques with you that take the pain out of writing non-fiction, but before I do, let me assure you I am not telling you that you can sit down for an hour a few times a week and have yourself a top selling...
Matching knowledge, information and experience with demand is what makes a great non-fiction, how-to book topic. Uncovering insatiable desire, researching and documenting a solution, turning that solution into your own and then marketing your information product...