Every week there are new information products making the headlines while infoproduct creators are quietly making their fortunes as one-person businesses operating out of their homes. Information products is simply the name the marketing industry has given to a range...
It’s true, the market for mainstream e-books has been weak – less than 1% of the $25Billion book publishing market as recoreded by the mainstream publishing industry. Many of us in the information product business producing our own niche-based e-books,...
Its been a while, but there is so much information packed into this month’s edition of Online Marketing Success Secrets Revealed Newsletter, I just about didn’t get this posting out before the weekend as planned! Read the Latest Newsletter Here In this...
Its true, there is a fortune to be made marketing your own information products, but… To be successful in the information product marketing business you need to master these very important skills: 1. Know how to tap into a raw nerve within virtually any market...
Anyone who has picked up a copy of “The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur’s Success Package” will know I’m a big fan of using the “piggybacking” approach to discovering highly successful, in-demand topics for e-books and information...
For all of you book publishing seekers out there, do these words mean anything to you? A tall, half-caf, extra hot, double-shot cafe latte! Starbucks took coffee uptown and in doing so gave it a whole new vocabulary that is now part of the daily vocabulary for...