Sometimes we think the only ebooks that sell are business or internet marketing ebooks, there are two huge reasons why this seems to be the case: 1. We don’t often go looking outside of internet marketing or business -that may be your current situation, so you...
I get so many people asking me on forums, emails or on coaching calls – how do you make time to write a book, report or create an information product? Of course we’re all swamped – if its not one thing its another and in the end, it comes down to a...
At least once a day I tell either my 5 or 7-year old that “stupid” is a bad word, but I just couldn’t keep from using it after reading a recent piece from Gawker on mistakes to avoid when agents (or writers for that matter) submit their manuscript to...
Can you earn your own fortune with by marketing products or services online without being passionate about writing? Its true, much of the content online over the last few years has been written content, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a professional writer...
Wew!! It’s been a busy week as we are closing in on the completion of a new ebook and course package, something we’ve been working on and off with for the last year. Its not that we’ve put a year’s work in, just on again, off again and its...
If you have ever doubted your ability to write a book, author your own ebook or start your own information product publishing business, then you’re going to want to close your eyes for this next part, because its only one of many cases where someone has done...