When Will You Become A Millionaire?

It’s a goal we all secretly have, to enter the comfortable fold of the millionaire’s club where we can stop worrying about the next bill, not have to ignore our principles, values and beliefs in an attempt to chase the next paycheck or career...

Get Your Writing Critiqued – Viewed By Publisher

User-based content sites abound, seems like each day there is a new site launched where the goal is to get users to help contribute to content development. One of the models that is used the most models Amazon’s reviewer contribution model allowing reviewers to...

Finally, A Simple Editor and Admin Front End For WordPress Blogs…

For years I operated this blog using Movable Type, and up until about 8-months ago, that was fine. However, as time went on it became clear that I was missing out on a ton of flexibility with WordPress mainly due to all of the plugins that were already available...

Writing Your Own Book – It’s As Easy As This…

Helping people to turn information into highly successful information products that both meet a huge market demand and help their author and marketer build their own branded posiition within their market is my passion. I’ve seen so many individuals who have...

Demand To Be Known As An Expert – Get That Edge!

What comes first, the chicken or the egg?  When does someone become an expert, before or after they’ve made up their mind that they are the expert and they will use every technique available to market themselves as deserving to be the expert? For many people,...

Love To Write – Then Here’s How To Make Money!

Because I spend most of my time teaching entrepreneurs, speakers, opportunity seekers, home business workers and professionals how to packge information to sell online – inevitably I spend a great deal of time talking and watching writers too. Those who truly...