Free Video – 12 Instant InfoProduct Topics In 8-Minutes!

Take the frustration out of finding hot topics for your articles, reports, e-books, courses, workshops or other information products… Watch this free video as we walk through this highly proven process and pull out 12 high paying infoproduct niche markets in...

Don’t Doubt It For A Minute – E-Books Are Still Hot…

It’s one of the first questions someone asks when they are investigating online business models and come across the possibility of creating and marketing their own ebooks or information products. “Will ebooks still sell?” “Will people still buy...

Book writing case study…

It seems every week I come across a story similar to this one where a non-writer puts together their own book, e-book or other how-to product based on personal experience. In this case, a woman who dedicated her life to running a non-profit animal shelter is providing...

Talking Is The Key To Quick, Effective InfoProduct Writing

Sitting down and putting together a single article or page of writing can be difficult enough, no wonder writing a report, e-book, book or course can seem so far from most people’s reality. So, what happens when you have a dream or desire to author and publish...

How Important Is Your Product Development Plan?

 Soon after you come to the decision that creating and marketing your own information products is one of the key foundations for online marketing success, the next question pops into your head… “If I have a financial goal in mind – say $100K for...