Customers Are Intelligent, Thinking Human Beings…

Maybe it’s just the fact that today is Monday… Or, perhaps we’ve all been drugged by some contaminant in the water we are unaware of… Could it be that most marketer’s just simply think YOU and I are ridiculously stupid? You tell me if...

Do You Know About I=B+C – And How It Can Earn You A Fortune!

Thought I would post this excellent advice from Gary Bencivenga – a master copywriter paying his dues to the “Prince of Print” Gary Halbert because it really hits the jugular threatening to turn the most inept copywriter into a worldclass,...

3 Surefire Ways To Find Your Workable Online Business Idea

Just picture your life, 5-years from now as you close the deal on a new, million dollar estate by the ocean loaded with upgrades including your very own home theatre, private wine cellar, entertainment facilities so you can have fun showing off your lifestyle to all...

It’s Easter Weekend, But I Just Had To Clear This Up…

How did six and seven figure information product marketers arrive at their current level of success – after all, they didn’t come off the blocks an instant achiever? Everyone who is just beginning or frustrated by how long it is taking them to build their...

It’s Not Always The Better Player That Wins…

Hope everyone had a great weekend, we spent most of ours in hockey arenas as our son enters his final games and playoffs for their competitive hockey team – I swear, it is much harder on the parent’s nerves watching your child in competitive sports than...

To Really Harness The Power of Niche Marketing You Need To…

I wonder if searching for new, hot niche markets is really the secret to creating massive wealth online with your own infoproducts, or with any online business for that matter? It’s true, there are dozens upon dozens of courses, products and coaching programs...