Those of you thinking about publishing your own books may understand the typical benefits of keeping more profit and maintaining control over your ideas and projects, but there are some other large benefits of self-publishing you may not have thought of…Bob...
Still having doubts about turning your own experiences, knowledge and ideas into your own book? You would be excused for believing that only celebrities or experienced, well-known authors are capable of writing their own best-selling books, but the fact is that many...
For anyone who thinks writing their own book, ebook or information product will take months of painful, hard work – the truth be told, that isn’t always the case. Depending on your topic, research can take you some time, but you can easily limit your...
When I first started blogging almost 4-years ago, I had two goals…1. Create another communication channel (besides email) where our readers could choose to pull information from us instead of having to endure an endless stream of emails.2. Increase traffic using...
Just got off the phone with an information product publisher who sold close to 8,000 copies of their ebook so far – and counting. I absolutely dig talking to successful people because they’ve figured it all out and are living life like they’ve...
Bowker has finally started to widen it’s definition of "books" when measuring the size of the publishing market – by doing so, we now see almost 300,000 new books in 2005 rather than the previously talked about 175,000 as published recently on...