Yes it is possible to produce your own ebook, non-fiction info product in 30-days or less…a great place to start is this free Ebook Writing Workshop – but let’s make sure you avoid some of the more common mistakes, here are 5: 1. Don’t make...
Talked with one of our new members of InfoMarketer’sZone this morning and heard this common challenge “I want to write a book about YYY…but it has already been written” Have you ever thought that you would like to write a book about a topic,...
Yes, we all have a dream of writing a book and becoming famous, but doesn’t that dream also involve making money…at least enough to allow us to spend more time writing and less time struggling to make a buck or pay the next bill in our day jobs? No matter...
For most, writing a book will be a life-long dream that will never be realized. Whether it pops up once in your life at age 40 or you go to bed thinking about it every night, the reality of it is that 99% of those who dream of writing a book and selling it will...
Wonder what format you should be using to offer your ebooks? It’s funny – I hear all of this chatter constantly on publishing discussion forums and blogs about different ebook formats like Epub, LRF or RTF when Adobe PDF has always been the leader for...
One of the biggest concerns I hear from new users of The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur’s Success Package is that people don’t know what topic to write about because they believe they must be an expert to write an ebook. So is it true? Do you need...