5 Instant “How To” Ebook Topics That Will Sell

It’s perhaps the worst kept secret among entrepreneurs today, more and more people are figuring this out and it often can change their lives rather dramatically! What I’m talking about is packaging information (basic How To, step-by-step information) into...

Our Kids – The Ebook Revolution Is Coming

For those of us who have been writing and publishing ebooks since early 2000, we know there is a very active, hungry market for non-fiction ebooks that target immediate demand for achieving a certain result. Someone jumps on Google desparately looking for a way to...

5 Mistakes To Avoid When Writing An Ebook

Yes it is possible to produce your own ebook, non-fiction info product in 30-days or less…a great place to start is this free Ebook Writing Workshop – but let’s make sure you avoid some of the more common mistakes, here are 5: 1. Don’t make...

Writers…Put Your Marketing Hat On

Of the hundreds of people we help in launching and growing their own information publishing business with InfoMarketer’sZone, there are some very common challenges that when overcome, result in massive improvements in sales and buyers.  One of the biggest...

3 Places To Get Your Ebook Or Report Into Print

EBooks and digital information products are great!  You can develop an idea and topic with high demand using techniques shared through InfoMarketer’sZone, develop – license – or outsource content development, put up a webpage and be earning money...

3 MUSTS Before You Write A Book

So you want to write a book? There is no better feeling than putting the finishing touches on your own book, ebook or information product and either seeing your book in bookstores or marketing a book online. Wait a minute, yes there is… When you see your first...