Great Lesson In eBook Marketing

I came across a site today that typifies a common mistake ebook writers and marketers make when offering “how to”, information products to their marketplace. Before I show you the site, here are a few background points to keep in mind… 1. There is...

Writing A Book In Your Car

For most people the biggest obstacle to writing a book that they have dreamed about for years is finding the time.  After all…we get up at 7AM, have kids to get off to school, things that need to be done around the house, a job to work at and if we’re...

Writing An Ebook: Earn More – Work Less

What is it that you really want in life? I don’t mean what do you need to GET to where you want to be (like money, a job, a business, your own products, etc…), but what do you really, really want? Chances are that you have a feeling or an image of the...

3 Book Writing Options For Your First Book

When you start out, the chances of getting picked up by a major publisher are virtually non-existent but that doesn’t mean that you can’t be a top selling author getting your book in front of the world and becoming famous anyway. It turns out that many...

Want to Write A Book Fast?

When we finally decide to act on our desire to write a book, it can be a painstakingly slow process – but here’s the crazy part – on average more than 90% of the ineffectivenss in book writing comes from…(non-fiction that is) Planning and...

5 Of The Best Selling eBook Writing Topics Ever!

Can you make money writing ebooks and selling them online for profit?  Absolutely! How many niche markets offer this potential for writing ebooks that sell like wildfire? There are hundreds of niche markets within which there are thousands upon thousands of very...