When you set out to write a non-fiction book designed to help, support or teach other people what you know (or what you have researched) we call that an information product. Often these are How To type books, reports, video programs, membership sites and the...
I was talking the head of a city-wide writing group the last couple of days and discovered that of their 75 members, nearly 3/4 of them had already written or started to write their first book. Not surprisingly, most had not been formerly trained in writing or...
There’s no doubt that self-publishing is on the rise, but have you heard the term “micro publisher?” Many of us have been turning information and stories into money for more than a decade (yikes…that sounds like a LONG time!), we were known...
Which camp do you fall into, the absolutely love writing or the camp where writing is just slightly less painful than sticking pins into your the soles of your feet? Either way you look at the process of writing, most of us can see the advantage of having your own top...
Of the hundreds of people we help in launching and growing their own information publishing business with InfoMarketer’sZone, there are some very common challenges that when overcome, result in massive improvements in sales and buyers. One of the biggest...
EBooks and digital information products are great! You can develop an idea and topic with high demand using techniques shared through InfoMarketer’sZone, develop – license – or outsource content development, put up a webpage and be earning money...