Your Book Is Your Business Card…

I saw this guest post on Lifehacker this morning and thought it as a good chance to make a few comments on the growing realization that having our own book is the new business card these days… Yes, your ebook, book, report or other information product does have...

Can’t Find A Book – Write Your Own

Through our website Information Marketer’sZone we are constantly helping people turn their desire to write a book into reality…not just writing, but getting their book self-published and helping to get attention, take and grow sales from the internet. I am...

Time To Write Your Own Ebook

We’ve been writing and publishing our own non-fiction ebooks for nearly a decade now, and for the last 5-years have worked with many others to help them do the same through the highly effective InfoProduct Success Package, and there are many, many ebooks on...

Write Your Book On A Smartphone

Everyone is excited by the growing ability to read ebooks on Kindle’s, Sony readers, iPad and even iPhones, but I came across this story yesterday about a frequent traveler who wrote his book using his Blackberry… Sure enough as smart devices become more...

Before You Write Your Book…

Yes, writing your own non-fiction book takes some skill and preparation, but it isn’t the type of preparation most people think of… Instead of learning to write, studying style guides and mastering the English language, the real factors impacting how well...

Writing A Non-Fiction Book, Where Do You Start?

Having gone through hundreds of different experiences helping first-time self-publishers write and market their own non-fiction books through InfoMarketer’sZone, we certainly realize that getting started can be one of the toughest stages. In the traditional...