Big Ticket InfoProduct Secrets

When it comes to marketing information – a good portion of how successful you are is knowing how to package information for maximum value.  Why are some people able to sell their information for hundreds – or even thousands – of dollars while...

How To Write A Book – Great Video

When you are wondering how to write a book, we can learn from many of the most successful book writers – Mark Victor Hansen shares some of his best insights, these are practical how to write a book tips from his experience as co-author of Chicken Soup for the...

5 Red Hot InfoProduct Examples

Wondering which niche markets hold the most potential? Wish you could see some actual examples of market niches and information products that you KNOW are selling well to help you understand the real potential of an online business? When considering growing your own...

Teach It, Then Write About It

Here’s a great blog posting from Michael Sampson who has recently written a book with Microsoft Press titled "Seamless Teamwork" As Michael well knows, going through the process of writing a book, course or any information product is a terrific...

Create ebook: Which Market To Start With?

What happens when you are ready to create ebooks, but can’t quite decide on which market to go after? Do you head right into the choppy waters of a highly competitive market like weight loss or fitness, or do you play it cool and try and sneak into a less...

Write An Ebook Your Audience Wants

You are about to set out and write an ebook, do you know what your audience wants? By focusing on what your audience wants instead of what you think you should write or what you believe they want, you not only guarantee your ebook commercial success, but you take the...